Seasonal Measures To Be Taken To Have A Healthy Trip

Travelling is the most enjoyable activities in the world. Because travelling contains many experiences, beauty and happiness. But travel also involves many risks. These risks may differ according to the season. If you are going to travel, you should take a look at the suggestions we will give a little later.

Things to do for healthy travel in summer and spring


,Here’s what to do for a healthy trip in the spring and summer months:

  • Many people forget to drink water while travelling. The amount of water that should be drunk daily should be consumed during these months when water loss is high.
  • In hot weather, sunstroke is a common condition. With heat stroke, symptoms such as palpitations, muscle cramps, vomiting, dizziness, nausea, severe headache and high fever may occur. For this reason, to avoid being affected by the heat, you should not be exposed to the sun during the peak hours, and thin, light-coloured and abundant clothes should be preferred. However, hats, umbrellas and sunglasses should be used.
  • To avoid being affected by heat while travelling in the summer, light foods that are easy to digest should be preferred.
  • If medication is used, the situation should be explained to the doctor before the trip and a health bag should be prepared.
  • Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages should not be consumed as they will speed up water loss.
  • If you are travelling abroad during these months, you must remember that you can be faced with the risk of infectious diseases in the destination country which is non-existent in Turkey. Therefore, the information should be obtained about disease risks and preventive measures in countries to be visited before travel. For information about vaccines, information can be obtained from the Ministry of Health’s Travel Health website or hotline. Accordingly, routine vaccines and travel vaccines should be made.
  • Raw and poorly cooked meat and seafood should not be consumed for possible diarrhoea.
  • If glasses are used, spare glasses must be available.
  • In the travels made in summer and spring, many open and natural water sources are passed and drunk from these waters. To avoid possible diseases, it should not be drunk from waters that are not sure of cleanliness.
  • Sunscreen must be available to protect from hot weather.
  • Seasonal flu caused by influenza virus is common in winter, spring and autumn. Therefore, if there is a risk of flu in the environment; hands should be adequately washed and should be stayed away from people with the flu virus and places.
  • Foods that are not sure of freshness during the journey should not be eaten.
  • The expiration dates of packaged foods should be checked during the journey. It should be remembered that food may spoil in a short time in hot weather.
  • During the journey, regular movements and stretching movements should be done to ensure blood flow.

Things to do for healthy travel in autumn and winter


Here’s what to do for a healthy trip in the fall and winter months:

  • Many people forget to drink water while travelling. For strong immunity, the amount of water that should be drunk daily should be consumed.
  • Foods that are not sure of freshness during the journey should not be eaten.
  • Dressing according to the season is of great importance in the winter months. Accordingly, clothing that does not sweat but keeps warm should be preferred. Hands, head, feet and waist should be kept as warm as possible.
  • Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages should not be consumed as they will speed up water loss.
  • If medication is used, the situation should be explained to the doctor before the trip and a health bag should be created.
  • Raw and poorly cooked meat and seafood should not be consumed for possible diarrhoea.
  • If glasses are used, spare glasses must be available.
  • It should be fed sufficiently, regularly and healthily against diseases. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals should be eaten. Foods rich in vitamin C, iron, vitamin D, Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, folic acid should be consumed.
  • During the journey, regular movements and stretching movements should be done to ensure blood flow.
  • Spare shoes should be bought considering the possibility that the feet may get wet.
  • It should be considered that hand and face may be irritated by cold, and hand and body cream should be kept.
  • The expiration dates of packaged foods should be checked during the journey.
  • Seasonal influenza caused by influenza virus is common in winter, spring and autumn. Therefore, if there is a risk of flu in the environment; hands should be adequately washed and should be kept away from people with the flu virus and places.
  • If you are travelling abroad during these months, you must remember that you can be faced with the risk of infectious diseases in the destination country which is non-existent in Turkey. Therefore, the information should be obtained about disease risks and preventive measures in countries to be visited before travel. For information about vaccines, information can be obtained from the Ministry of Health’s Travel Health website or hotline. Accordingly, routine vaccines and travel vaccines should be made.


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