Books about the Republic of Türkiye

The founding story of the Republic of Türkiye is the epic of determination, sacrifice and the rebirth of a nation. Each detail of the process of establishing the modern Republic of Türkiye by the Turkish nation, who fought for independence under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his comrades-in-arms, leads to curiosity. Many works that had written discuss the establishment of the Republic of Türkiye from different perspectives and provide valuable information to their readers. Each of the books is an important guide to understanding the cherished memory of the Republic and the unique leadership of Atatürk. We have listed the most fascinating books about the Republic for those who would like to get to know and understand this period written in golden letters in history.

From the Words of the Great Leader: Speech – Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Speech delivered by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk at the Turkish Grand National Assembly in 1927 is one of the most important sources in which the founding process of the Republic of Türkiye is explained firsthand. This book, published by many different publishers today, is a unique guide for those who would like to understand the National Struggle process better, the first years of the Republic of Türkiye, Atatürk’s leadership vision and revolutions.

Comprehensive, Immersive and Unbiased: Tek Adam – Şevket Süreyya Aydemir

This three-volume work published by Remzi Kitabevi, comprehensively covers the life of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the founding process of the Republic of Türkiye. The work describes Atatürk’s military career, starting from his childhood, his leadership in the War of Independence, his revolutions and his role in the construction process of the Republic, in detail and impartially. As a result of his meticulous research, Aydemir conveys Atatürk’s personality, ideals and struggles to his readers in a riveting way.

The Struggle for Independence: Şu Çılgın Türkler – Turgut Özakman

This book, written by master author Turgut Özakman as a result of 57 years of research, describes the War of Independence period in full detail in a riveting way. The novel, which is among the author’s famous trilogy about recent Turkish history, is one of the works that reflects both historical facts and the spirit of the period in the best way. For this reason, it is possible to say that Şu Çılgın Türkler is an important historical novel for anyone who would like to understand the importance and difficulty of the struggle for independence.

Understanding Atatürk and the Transformation of Türkiye: Çankaya – Fatih Rıfkı Atay

Fatih Rıfkı Atay was one of the people who was closest to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, from the establishment of the Republic until Atatürk’s death. Atay brings together his memories and observations of this period in his book Çankaya. The work, which offers unique details about Atatürk’s private life, personality and leadership qualities, was first published in 1958. This work, which conveys first-hand the foundation stages of the Republic and the developments in its first years, is a very valuable resource for both history enthusiasts and those who would like to get to know Atatürk better.

Conversations About the History: The First Century of the Republic – İlber Ortaylı and İsmail Küçükkaya

This work, written in an interview style by historian İlber Ortaylı together with journalist İsmail Küçükkaya, comprehensively describes the hundred-year adventure of the Republic of Türkiye (1923-2023). The book offers its readers a broad perspective ranging from the revolutions of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to the reasons behind these revolutions, from the history of the Republic to the recent history of Türkiye.

Through the Eyes of a Foreign Writer: The Emergence of Modern Türkiye – Bernard Lewis

This 728-page work, written in a riveting way by the world-famous historian Bernard Lewis and translated into Turkish by Babür Turna, examines in depth the modernization adventure of the Turks in the last 250 years. The book, which covers the processes from the last periods of the Ottoman Empire to the first and rough years of the Republic, is an important resource that is especially recommended for history enthusiasts.

The Story of a Great Resistance: Allah’ın Süngüleri “Reis Paşa” – Atillâ İlhan

The great master of Turkish literature, Attilâ İlhan, describes Türkiye in the 1920s in his novel Allah’ın Süngüleri “Reis Paşa”. It effectively presents the difficult days of the War of Independence, Atatürk and all the heroes of the period to its readers. The novel covers many events, from the rich mansions of Istanbul to the trains full of resistance fighters, from the dusty roads leading to the parliament to the feverish atmosphere of Ankara. İlhan manages to carry his readers to the chilling moments of this great struggle which is led by Reis Paşa. The work offers an unforgettable reading experience to both history enthusiasts and literature lovers.

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